
Rate us!

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1. How would you rate the team's overall performance on this project?

Poor Excellent

2. And how would you rate the team in the following areas on this project...

Project management

Poor Excellent

Answering objectives

Poor Excellent

Therapy area expertise

Poor Excellent

Commercial understanding

Poor Excellent

Flexibility in meeting your needs

Poor Excellent

Enthusiasm and commitment

Poor Excellent

Quality of the behavioural economics input from our SHIFT Team

Poor Excellent

Quality of the debrief and presentation outputs

Poor Excellent

Speed of delivery

Poor Excellent

Added Value

Poor Excellent

3. What do you particularly like about working with HRW?

Max 250 characters.

4. What would you like HRW to do differently on future projects?

Max 250 characters.

5. How likely would you be to recommend HRW to one of your stakeholders or colleagues?

Definitely would Not Definitely would

6. Any other comments...?

Max 250 characters.